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Translation Service Pricing Software

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Sandi leo rakiul

150000 USD

consulation real estate


Planing, Real Estate


November 19, 2022

The pricing software is a comprehensive management system that supports processes related to price appraisal and real estate data management. The software helps optimize workflows, improve management efficiency, and asset appraisal. Key features include:

Appraisal File Management

1Create a new appraisal file
2Receive and assign files
3Supplement files
4Track file status
5Search and view files
6Manage appraised assets
7Suspend/unsuspend files

Price Appraisal

1Direct price appraisal (without tablet)
2Price appraisal via tablet (front-back model)
3Collect market information
4Quantitative analysis of asset value
5Generate price appraisal report
6Take photos and manage images
7Transfer data between tablet and system
8Calculate asset value according to ABCBank regulations
9Handle assets that do not meet appraisal criteria
10Appraise movable assets by type (vehicles, machinery, goods)
11Evaluate remaining quality of movable assets
12Determine asset depreciation rate
13Calculate replacement cost

Control and Approval

1Control appraisal reports
2Approve appraisal reports
3Return official appraisal results
4Return incomplete appraisal results
5Handle approval through Appraisal Committee
6Request report revisions
7Handle appraisal result complaints
8Manage appraisal result validity period

Reference Data Management

1Manage price maps and price charts
2View full appraisal information
3Manage appraised real estate
4Manage approved price routes
5Manage construction unit price catalog
6Manage regulations on collateral assets

Real Estate Data Warehouse Management

1Search data using various criteria (region, address, area, price...)
2Input new data into the warehouse
3Check for duplicate data
4Update data information
5Delete data
6View data details
7Print information sheets
8Attach images and legal documents
9View processing workflows
10Manage movable asset information by category
11Track price fluctuations of movable assets over time
12Manage manufacturer/distributor information

Real Estate Data Warehouse Approval Management

1Transfer data approval
2View approval pending list
3Approve/Reject data
4Return for revision
5Record data entry KPIs

Data Import/Export

1Import data from warehouse into appraisal report
2Export data from appraisal report to warehouse
3Update market information map

Price Map Management

1View price map by asset code
2View price map by filter criteria
3Display price information on the map
4Combine market information with appraised assets

Comparable Asset Management

1Enter related comparable assets
2Create links between assets
3Update related asset information
4Record reasons for creating links
5Evaluate the reliability of comparison data
6Manage sources of comparison data
7Manage movable assets with similar types/technical specifications
8Monitor price fluctuations by model/product year

Integration and Synchronization

1Sync data between tablet and TĐG program
2Handle notes and information exchange
3Manage digital signatures and electronic approvals

Reporting and Statistics

1Statistics on file processing progress
2Periodic reports
3Track SLA and processing performance
4View data usage frequency
5Track usage duration
6Statistics on data entry/approval
7Print reports

System Administration

1Manage users and permissions
2Manage catalog
3System configuration
4Manage notifications and alerts

Login Management

1System login
2User authentication

Contact and Note Management

1Exchange information between stakeholders
2View and manage notes
3Notify processing status