1 | Dashboard | - Task summary
- Task progress
- Type of service request
2 | Asset List | - Add asset
- Delete asset
- Filter assets (Filter by asset type, Filter by location)
- Edit asset information
- Search for assets
3 | Task List | - Task (Update task status, Add task images, Add task checklist)
- Add task
- Delete task
- Edit task
- Search tasks
- Filter tasks (Filter by task name, Filter by date, Filter by task status, Filter by device location, Filter by maintenance plan, Filter by time frame)
4 | Maintenance Plan List | - Create maintenance plan (Add tasks from maintenance plan)
- Delete maintenance plan
- Edit maintenance plan
- Search maintenance plan
5 | Menu | - Notifications (Notification list, Filter notifications, Delete notifications)
- Periodic Maintenance (Add periodic maintenance tasks, Delete periodic maintenance tasks, Filter periodic maintenance tasks, Edit periodic maintenance tasks)
- Emergency service requests (Service request list [Add request, Filter request, Delete request, Edit request])
- Account (Change password, Edit account information, Switch between Vietnamese and English)
- Site categories (Choose site)
- User account management (User account list [Create user account, Assign user permissions, Edit user information, Delete user account])
- Reports (Generate task reports by day and month, Generate maintenance plan reports)
6 | Scan QR Code | - After scanning, display asset information, task for the asset, maintenance plan for the asset, and service request for the asset